Great Information On How To Handle Allergies

Sometimes, it can be difficult to tell whether or not allergic symptoms are due to the common cold or allergy triggers like pet dander and pollen. The first step to finding out if you have any allergies is getting an allergy test. Find out more about dealing with allergies with these tips.

If you have a child with allergies, look around his or her room. Are there an abundance of stuffed animals? These seemingly harmless snuggle toys are a safe harbor for dust mites and other allergens. If your child must sleep with one, try taking it away after he or she falls asleep.

If you have allergies, it is important that you keep the humidity in your home to a minimum. You can do this by setting up a dehumidifier in whichever rooms you are frequently in. One of the worse things for an allergy sufferer is humidity, so stay away from it as much as you can.

When you constantly battle allergies, it pays to devote a little extra time to cleaning the areas in which you live, work and play. For example, you should regularly wipe down any surface that you touch frequently like keyboards, countertops, door knobs and appliances. This reduces the amount of allergens that you come into contact with daily.

Get an allergy test. Knowing exactly what you are allergic to, can be the single greatest advantage you can have in dealing with allergies. Not all pollen is the same. Some people are triggered by tree pollen, others by grass or weeds. What you thought was an allergy to pet dander, may actually be an allergy caused by undiagnosed dust mite or mold problems in your home. Only an allergy test can provide you with definitive evidence of your triggers so you can create an appropriate plan to deal with them.

Watch the clock to determine allergy patterns. The morning hours between 5 and 10 o’clock are typically the time when airborne pollen is at its worst, so you’ll want to stay indoors if you possibly can. If you absolutely have to go out, keep the time and limit your activity.

If you plan to spend time outdoors on windy days, you may find yourself worrying about the effects of pollen on your eyes. One way to protect your eyes is by, donning an oversized pair of sunglasses. Bold wraparound styles are ideal, anything is better than facing airborne allergens head-on.

The shabby-chic look is making a comeback in home fashions. Its signature overstuffed sofas, chairs, and loveseats can wreak havoc on your allergies. Studies have shown, that this type of furniture is often loaded with a higher-than-average amount of notorious allergens like goat hair, burlap, jute, and even cattle dander. Avoid these decorative pieces at all costs.

As said in the beginning of the article, it’s easier to deal with your allergic symptoms if you know what causes them. Avoiding your triggers as much as possible can reduce the itchy throat and runny nose that commonly come from these triggers. Remember the tips in this article to deal with allergies effectively.…