Seasonal allergies are an exceedingly common ailment; many of us will struggle with allergies to things like pollen at one point or another in our lives. If you struggle with allergies, you may be surprised to know that there are many different options available to you to help manage your symptoms.
If you suffer from annoying allergies, don’t use a clothes line to dry your laundry. As nice as it is to have the natural scent of clothes dried outside by the wind and sun, you will also have an abundance of sneezes inducing pollens. So use an electric dryer whenever you can!
If your allergies are accompanied by a harsh, hacking cough, irritation in the throat is probably to blame. This is especially common in those who fight post-nasal drip or mouth breathing. In many cases, the problem becomes more pronounced during the night. When this happens, try using pillows to prop you up in a half-reclining position while you sleep. If you can sleep while sitting upright, that’s even better.
If your child frequently complains of symptoms like a stuffy nose, or frequent sneezing, allergies may be to blame. Over time, these problems can make it difficult for your child to perform well in class, or reach their full potential. In these cases, allergy therapy may produce a marked difference in the way your child feels, and behaves.
If you frequently suffer from annoying allergy symptoms, be sure to keep track of the time of day! Pollen is at its peak during the hours between 5am and 10am, so it is wise to avoid the outdoors during these hours. If you have to go out, do not do too much and make your trip quick.
Athletic types who struggle with allergies, often find themselves dreading their daily jog around the neighborhood when pollen counts are high. While some level of pollen will always be in the air at any given time, there is still hope. Pollen content is often at its highest between 5 a.m. and 10 a.m. Choose another period outside of this window, and you should have less trouble.
In the event that you have tried every remedy under the sun to no avail, it might be best to consult a physician. A doctor will be able to help you to manage your allergies by suggesting treatments or medications that may be best for you. You might also receive helpful advice on dealing with your allergies from a medical professional.
Because mold grows in warm, damp environments, it is very common in organic gardening materials. Compost heaps are a significant source of mold spores and other allergens, which is very frustrating for allergy sufferers who prefer eco-friendly gardening techniques. While composting, always wear a face mask. This allows you to do your dirty work without having an allergy attack.
You do not have to accept allergy symptoms such as watery eyes, a runny nose, and difficulty breathing as simply inevitable. There are many things that you can do to gain relief from seasonal allergies; hiding out inside is no longer your only option! So go out and enjoy the world!