Arthritis symptoms can strike in any joint, affect people at any age and is definitely no laughing matter. It has an effect on bones and it can cause a lot of pain in joints that will make life difficult.
Temperature changes from heating pads and ice packs can help fight joint pain. Try taking turns between the hot and the cold to receive the most optimal relief. Ask your doctor about what he recommends when you use cold and heat to soothe your pain.
Non-weight bearing activities like water aerobics are best for arthritis sufferers. The water bears the majority of body’s weight, decreasing pressure on your joints.
Engaging in yoga or meditation is a great way to help cope with the symptoms of arthritis. These relaxation techniques will calm your body and mind, reducing the severity of arthritis symptoms. For the best results, practice these techniques at least three days each week.
Take control of the situation by educating yourself about your condition. Resource websites, books, CDs, videos and publications of all sorts abound for people with arthritis. You can learn a great deal about day-to-day treatment and management of pain. Staying abreast of current research on arthritis will help you partner with your doctor in the successful management of your condition.
Managing stress will help you manage your arthritis. Stress can cause inflammation and worsen the pain of your arthritis. Getting a little regular exercise or scheduling more thoroughly (to eliminate the unexpected) can reduce the level of stress you experience and keep your arthritis at bay.
It is important to keep your joints in mind when doing your daily activities. Arthritis can make even the smallest tasks seem difficult. Instead of lifting objects, slide them along tabletops or the floor whenever possible, or simply ask for someone else’s assistance. It’s important that you protect yourself from any pain and inflammation and to maintain the flexibility in your joints.
Cigarettes have been blamed for diminished flexibility and could cause arthritis flare-ups. Though breaking the smoking habit can be challenging, knowing that it will improve your arthritis may be just the incentive you have been looking for.
Develop a stretching routine for yourself. People suffering from arthritis commonly battle decreased flexibility as well. A daily routine will help you stay flexible. Start with your feet, and move upwards across your body all the way to your head.
If you suffer with arthritis, you might want to utilize fish oil. Omega-3 fats in fish oil help to reduce pain associated with joint inflammation. Supermarkets and health food stores carry a variety of fish oil supplements.
Try to avoid stress as much as possible. Stressful situations can cause pain, swelling and inflammation of joints. Learn how to manage your stress; this will keep both your body and mind healthy and strong.
By staying on track and remembering these ideas, one can go on to be a professional track runner and still have arthritis. The most important thing may be to keep the physical effects from translating into mental and emotional pain. You can do several things to make living with arthritis easier. Remain optimistic, and you will prevail.